Saturday, July 17th: Summer Shiai!

Event Details

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Traditionally, on the last day of classes before we break for Instructor’s holidays, we hold our Summer Shiai (tournament) and we are so excited to be having one for the first time since December 2019! Students will not need to pre-register, but instead, just come during their regular class time on Saturday, July 17th and we will create divisions then. Karatigas will be able to do a kata division for white and higher, a weapons division if yellow or higher, please bring your own weapons (bo, tonfa, sai) as well as each belt will be doing a group demonstration/team kata. The shiai will be at no extra charge, however, we ask that you bring either a food bank donation or $5 donation as we want to support and help the community recover during these times. As well, we will be holding the shiai outside in the upper parking lot (weather permitting)! If you have any questions, please reach out to Sensei Ethan or visit for more details!