Here’s how the program works.

The 10 fundamental skills selected for the Sentenashi Program are broken down into specific requirements that each student must tackle at every belt level. There are 10 belt (Kyu) levels total, which means that your child will dramatically progress through all 10 skills. Your child will be sharper, more focused, and better developed physically, mentally, emotionally, morally and socially than a child who does not participate in a program strategically designed like the Sentenashi program.


The 10 fundamental skills are:

1. Focus
2. Teamwork
3. Control
4. Balance
5. Memory/Concentration
6. Discipline (Self-discipline)
7. Fitness
8. Coordination
9. Awareness

 The following section will provide you with a comprehensive breakdown of each skill and what your child will learn and develop throughout the entire program.

Skill Breakdown Section

FOCUS: The purpose of the focus curriculum is to teach the child how to focus with their mind and body. The beginner level introduces the child to the basic concept of keeping their eyes on the target. The intermediate level takes their skills a little further by having the child focus not only on the target, but on their technique of each kick and strike. The advanced level further enhances the child’s focus skills by having the child execute techniques where the child takes his/ her eyes off of the target for a second and then requiring the same focus on technique while maintaining hand-eye and foot-eye coordination.

Benefits of superior FOCUS:

· Hitting and kicking a ball with accuracy
· Catching a ball
· Throwing a ball or object with good technique
· More capable of focusing on the teacher when they talk
· Better focus when playing near the street and near potentially dangerous obstacles
· Better focus at home near breakables and potentially dangerous areas

TEAMWORK: The purpose of the teamwork curriculum is to teach the child how to cooperate with others on various tasks. The beginner level introduces the child to good working habits with other people. The intermediate level introduces the child how to perform with a team. The advanced level teaches the child how to train with others while following the rules and maintaining good sportsmanship.

 Benefits of great TEAMWORK:

· Cooperation with teammates in other sports and activities
· Better sportsmanship during games and competitions
· Cooperation with classmates during group projects and activities
· The child will play better with friends and siblings
· Cooperation during with family at home, during family gatherings, and on family vacations

CONTROL: The purpose of the control curriculum is to teach the child how to have control of their mind and body. The beginner level introduces the child to having control of their mind and body by responding to quickly to commands while in motion. The intermediate level introduces the child to having control of their body when they are kicking and punching towards each other. The advance level teaches the child how to have control of their strength when practicing their self-defense techniques.

Benefit of fantastic CONTROL:

· Capable of practicing various sports without hurting themselves or others around them
· Better awareness of how to properly use their strength when participating on other sports
· Better response time when the teacher gives out directions
· Better behavior during class when necessary
· Better control at home with siblings
· Better control when playing with friends
· Better response time when parents give directions

BALANCE: The purpose of the balance curriculum is to help the child master the skill of balance through increments of balance training that increases in intensity at each belt level. The beginner level introduces the child to the components of balance and how to have balance using various kicks. The intermediate level increases in repetitions of each kick by double the amount from the beginner level. The advance level challenges the students balance skills by making them do 10x the balance requirements of the beginner level.

 Benefits of awesome BALANCE:

– Increase in speed and agility
– Less risk of injury during sports and physical activities
– Better grades in the Phys-Ed class
– Less risk of injury at home or during play

MEMORY/CONCENTRATION: The purpose of the memory curriculum is to get the child familiar with remembering the basic martial arts techniques and how perform the techniques appropriately. The beginner level introduces the child to the names and mechanics of the basic strikes, blocks, kicks, and stances. The intermediate level begins to test the child’s memory by requiring the child to perform random combinations. The advanced level challenges the child’s memory by requiring the child to perform a structured combination of martial arts techniques known as a form, or kata.

 Benefits of enhanced MEMORY/CONCENTRATION:

· Better recollection of how to perform various physical movements
· Better response time in sports and physical activities
· Better overall participants due to their capability of remembering important details
· Better grades due to capability of remembering material
· Better students due to confidence that memory brings out
· More cooperative at home due to the child remembering chores, important rules, dates,etc.

DISCIPLINE (Self-discipline): The purpose of the discipline curriculum is to positively reinforce the importance of following rules, maintaining good behavior, and performing at high standards. The beginner level introduces the child to basic commands and how to respond to those commands with good discipline. The intermediate level teaches the child how to maintain good discipline without being distracted. The advanced level curriculum challenges the child to perform at high standards by displaying discipline of the mind and body.

 Benefits of a high level of DISCIPLINE (Self-discipline):

· Better athletes because they have the discipline to pay attention, train hard, and perform with high standards.
· Better teammates because they have the discipline to maintain good behavior
· Better students because they have the discipline to behave, participate without being distracted, and study hard
· Better children because they have the discipline to follow the rules, complete their chores, and maintain good behavior
· Better friends because they have the discipline to avoid fighting

FITNESS: The purpose of the fitness curriculum is to expose the child to exercises and activities that build strength and cardiovascular endurance. The beginner level teaches the child how to run through basic exercise routines with the appropriate technique. The intermediate level exposes the child to intensity in their exercises. The advanced level challenges the child to demonstrate advance muscular strength and endurance in their regular exercises.

Benefits of strong FITNESS:

· Capable of performing at higher levels due to their good physical fitness
· Faster runners, stronger throwers and hitters.
· More alert due to their healthy bodies
· Better sleeping habits due to their healthy bodies
· More confident because of their physical capabilities

COORDINATION: The purpose of the coordination curriculum is to teach the child their left from right and how to perform multiple physical tasks while maintaining good technique. The beginner level introduces the student to basic coordination of jumping and moving in rhythm. The intermediate level teaches the child how to perform various combinations using both their left and right hands and feet. The advanced level challenges the child to perform various techniques without loosing coordination.

Benefits of sharp COORDINATION:

– Better overall athletes who can achieve results in any sport or physical activities
– Capable of following multiple tasks and directions
– Less chance of injury because of good coordination

AWARENESS: One’s personal safety should not be equated with one’s ability to fight. If your perception of self-protection is fighting off an assailant, your intention will be directed towards learning physical techniques and therefore, your foundation will be misdirected. Success in self-protection is not in engagement but in avoidance. The ultimate victory in self-protection is when nothing perceptible happens! The philosophy of confrontation is avoidance. If it can’t be prevented, avoid it; if it can’t be avoided, defuse it; if it can’t be defused, escape; if escape is not possible, then engage. Physical conflict for defense should be the last resort, not the first.

 Benefits of heightened AWARENESS:

– Common sense before self-defense
– Safer
– Attentive
– Respectful
– Mind moves before body
– Thoughtful

 CONFIDENCE: The typical student that begins karate training is somewhat subdued, quiet, and often timid. These are not the traits of confidence. This is normal for most because they are trying something new and unknown. There are new people, strange clothing, and uncomfortable exercises. Every student progresses at a different pace over confidence in a new student can be dangerous as they may lack the respect of what they are learning. Many traits are mistaken for confidence and it is important to understand that being outgoing is not the same as being confident.

Confidence: “the quality or state of being certain”. Karate instills confidence by teaching each of us our limitations. Karate instills confidence by helping us overcome fear. Karate instills confidence by improving our image of ourselves. Karate instills confidence by placing you in control of your body for the first time in your life. This confidence spills into every aspect of your life, making you a stronger, better person. The confidence karate instills is humble and hard won, it is free of ego. This is the secret of true confidence, knowing without having to say it.

So how does karate do ALL these things? The answer is simple purposeful practice”.

Practicing karate is a demanding activity and when completed successfully leaves the student with a feeling of accomplishment. Practice helps the student learn to control their physical, emotional, and mental self, thus increasing their confidence level in any given situation. Practicing karate (training) is an individual AND a group activity. Why is this important to building confidence? There are different dynamics involved with individual and group activities that boost our confidence. Even when practicing as an individual in the Dojo there is the watchful eye of others. This scrutiny forces you to become at ease in the presence of others regardless of your activity, to be confident. Group activities build your ability to communicate with others and work in a team unit. As students advance they begin to instruct new students under the supervision of ranking members. This activity forces self-confidence since the new student believes in your abilities. Confidence is built in everything we do in Sentenashi, for uncertainty in one’s self will lead to obstacles in every aspect of our life.

 Benefits of improved CONFIDENCE:

– Positive
– Out going
– Enjoys challenges
– Motivated
– Helpful
– Positive attitude
– Improved grades
– Better posture and body language

How to make the most out of your child’s Karate training

Each and every child who participates at Sentenashi walks away with knowledge and education that will influence their life for years to come. It is our commitment to teach your child in the best, most positive environment possible. At home, it is up to you to encourage them and support them the best you can. Here are some tips for you to review with your child to help make the most out of their training:

1. Reinforce training at home- it is only when a child practices more than usual that they appreciate and recognize their hard work.
2. Attend their classes regularly- when you support their effort and motivation, they try harder.
3. Don’t allow them to be late for class- tardiness will make them feel uncomfortable, and teaches poor manners.
4. Discourage consistent absences- consistency and commitment will be one of the best lessons your child learns.
5. Reward their achievements- when you recognize their accomplishments, they are more inclined to continue accomplishing.
6. Help them set consistent goals- the more they go for, the more they will gain.

These tips prove to be invaluable to a child’s growth and development. In a world competitive to capture your child’s attention, the Sentenashi Program does so in a way that will greatly influence their childhood.

Congratulations for making the decision that will support your child’s future.

Start your journey NOW
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